Oasis Overview Webinars

The webinars will be approximately 80 minutes long and will focus on the following:

  • Integration with other administration systems, such as iSAMS, SchoolBase, Pass, SIMS and others.
  • Fees Ledger – including payments made by parents through the Oasis Parents Pay Portal.
  • Nominal Ledger – with special emphasis on management reports and how budget holders can see full details of their spending on-line.
  • Purchase Ledger  showing how Purchase Orders integrate with the Purchase and Nominal Ledgers.
  • Oasis Payroll/HR system with emphasis on Teachers’ Pensions and MDC.

Friday 7th June  2pm

Friday 14th June  2pm

Wednesday 19th June  2pm

If you would like to join any of these webinars  please let us know.

Telephone: 0208 566 7131 or info@oasis-software.co.uk